I'm looking forward to the next potluck. I like to eat.
I went to Vancouver, BC for a Stampin' Up regional conference Thursday night & came home Friday evening. I wasn't sure what to expect at the border. Going in to Canada, it wasn't all that bad. The gal grilled us as to why we were there, but the wait itself was nothing. Coming home was another story. We left the Convention Center at 5:30 & it took 2 hours to get to the border from the Gastown region. Much of that was driving through the rush hour traffic & the other part of it was the line to get back into The States.
The conference itself was pretty okay. I was really super excited to be there in the morning & then after lunch, I just wanted to go home. I was tired (I had very little sleep the night before) & was just having troubles staying alert. I did get some great ideas & samples of projects. And let's not forget the best part: a free stamp set that will appear in the 2007-2008 catalog. Yay!
What's on the agenda next? Get myself (& Jeff) a passport. I think it's much easier to travel with a passport than having to get out the birth certificate/drivers license

Speaking of drivers licenses... sorta... I went to renew my tabs last week & saw in the licensing agency place a poster with a bunch of special license plates. I contemplated getting one & then decided against it thinking that's $40 I don't need to spend. Well, then I kept thinking about it & changed my mind. So, this is going to be my new license plate... Except it won't say, "SMPLE"; it'll have numbers on it.
Work is going okay. We're still in the middle of our merger. Our overtime has been eliminated until the wknd of the merger when we will be having mandatory overtime. Our department is at maximum occupancy for our space & we are getting one of the other CU employees & so what does this mean? We are moving to another area of the same floor & I will have a window as part of my cubicle. Yay! Not a terrific view or anything, but a window is a window
Funny story... I went to Jeff's cousin's bridal shower at Emerald Downs last weekend where one of the friends of the bride (I think she's also a bridesmaid) looked SO familiar to me. We didn't really get a chance to talk to figure it out, but as it turns out, we were in 3rd grade together. Yes, I looked through my old class photos until I found her
My March of Dimes walk is next Saturday. I hope the weather holds up. The last 3 years I've done it, the weather has been gorgeous (for that early in the a.m.). I'm really pleased with the amount of money I've raised so far this year. Thanks to everyone who has helped to support me in this very worthwhile cause.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Lasting friendships
2. Sunshine
3. Sunglasses
4. Aspirin
5. Waking up at the butt-crack-o-dawn