Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Reunited (Peaches & Herb)

February 2nd came & went & aside from being Superbowl Sunday, Kim was in town & we had a small gathering at our home before she left. Regardless of the reason, it's always fun to get together with friends & this time was no exception. This was the first time Tialen, Ann & Nicholas were over at the McCarthy home.

2009 marks the 15th year since I've been in high school. Since so many of us are now on social networking sites (i.e. MySpace & Facebook), a few of us thought it would be fun to catch up face-to-face. There was somewhere around 25 or so alumni that gathered at a local bar. But I want more.... So I am going to help plan another 15 year reunion that shall take place later this summer. It probably will be semi-comparable to our 10 year reunion.

Today, I am thankful for:

1. Chili & Rice
2. Facebook
3. Sale-A-Brations
4. Thank You's!
5. FREE Starbucks coffee & hot cocoa