Yesterday, I was up in the Northend and, on my way home, thought I'd stop at the hospital to see how my dad was doing. He was to have been discharged from the hospital today. As I walked up to his room, that wasn't my dad in the bed. Thank goodness, I didn't go all the way into the room before I realized that it wasn't him.
The gal at the nurse's station said he was discharged earlier in the afternoon. So, I went to my dad's house & sure enough, he was there. He was quite a bit more coherent than the first time I saw him (the day after his surgery). He was still moving around like he was in pain, saying he was only going to be traveling from his bedroom to the bathroom to the living room chair & that it hurt to spend much time on his feet.
He said that the surgeons had to move his diaphragm & so now he is constantly hiccuping. While, physically, he may have been in pain, vocally, he didn't show any signs as he went on & on about the life my sister has chosen for herself.
Today, I brought him a lasagna to Food Save & freeze for future eats as he's not able to eat much right now. He was up on his feet for a good 15 minutes (at least) while we took care of the lasagna.
I think he's well on his way to a good recovery.
You won't want to miss this!
15 years ago