My 31st birthday was on Friday. Don't quite know what to say about it. My birthday has never been made to be an occasion where the day was all about me. So, today, in my "adult" years, I still feel it's like an ordinary day.
On Friday, I put in a half day at work & then Kat & I went & did our annual volunteering for the folks who make Holiday Stockings for homeless children possible. This volunteering event is a two-day process where on Friday, all the donated items gets sorted into age-appropriate tables & day two is when the real chaos begins - when the actual stockings get stuffed with the items. Then, let's not forget that throughout the year is when all the REAL work gets done - making (yes, making) over 2,000 stockings & collecting donations (money & stuff). For the past 3 years, I've only helped sort & stuff the stockings; for this upcoming year, I want to help making stockings & do some collections at work. This year, Kat & I were co-captains of the table for 4-5 years olds & we quickly ran out of hats & scarves. So, next year, I want to put a collection box out at work for those items.
After volunteering, Kat & I met up with folks in the Southcenter area for dinner at Claim Jumpers. While the spinach-artichoke dip was mighty tasty, I could have done without the rest of my meal (turkey supper). It was just 'okay'. Thank you, Trina, for my warm jammies. I'm wearing them right now. I love 'em & you're gonna love yours, too. I guarantee it.
I got THE best birthday present in the mail when I got home Friday night: Our marriage certificate. I've been waiting on that sucker so I can go get my name changed finally. Woo!! I'll probably take a day off this week to get that done. Though, I'm told I still need to work on my new signature. That's going to be a tough one to 'perfect' as I've been signing my scribble for so long now & I've grown to really like it.
My stamp camp was moved from yesterday to today & I'm still not quite done with my cards they're making. David, Katt & Randy are coming over to watch the Seahawk game today & I'm making a (pampered chef recipe) chicken enchilada ring & (tupperware recipe) guacamole. So, I better step away from the computer & get those things done.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Ovens that work
2. Friends who celebrate my (non)birthday with me
3. Wine
4. Easy camp cards
5. Volunteers
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