Friday, I was driving along & flipping through the radio stations & came across 106.9 playing their Christmas music already. The DJ guy came on & said they had been playing since 3pm. Sheesh! It's not even Thanksgiving! What's next year going to bring? Christmas music from Halloween forward (I hear the Christian station was playing Christmas music on Halloween night [only] for a more "positive" sound).
Saturday, I hosted my annual Stamp-a-Stack. Lots of folks making lots of Christmas cards. The Christmas Music station came in handy to get folks in the mood. Bonnie even broke out in song. It was awesome! Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do for my Christmas cards. Ugh!
Oh, but one cool thing I did was catalog all my old/retired stamp sets. I now have a binder full (well, not full, but you know...) of all my stamps. I can page through and say, I want to make a card with a flower & then go through & find all my flower stamps. Awesome. Organization is cool.
Sunday was a lazy day, really. Randy came over & the boys watched the Seahawks lose. Big surprise there. But first, we got lunch from good ol' Taco Bell. And, then I had to go back to TB & give them a piece of my mind after they shorted us nearly half our order. Seriously, I realize that counting to 12 requires more than 2 hands, but take your shoes off & count w/your toes if you have to. Cripes. And yes, I also realize that I may have ate some other bodily fluids while enjoying my 7-layer burrito, but it was worth the rant at that restaurant. Go, Jen go.
Sunday night, Kat & I (et al.) spent a couple o' hours at the Supermall for their Night of Giving. Most stores offered some kind of sale - 10 - 30% off, BOGOs, etc. I'd say the best deal I got was a pair of tennis shoes from Naturalizer that were originally $69 that I paid $18 & change for. Score one for me.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Time off work
2. Games
3. Food Savers
4. Health
5. Disposable slippers.