Saturday, October 07, 2006

One Week (Barenaked Ladies)

As the title suggests, there is a pretty big event happening one week from today. I'm getting married! I've been looking forward to this event for a long time. I also know my readers have been looking forward to this for a long time. I'm so thrilled & thankful that my chosen family will be able to share this life altering event with us.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a pretty patient person. I think, somewhere deep inside, I always knew that 1. I would end up with Jeff & that 2. we would be together in that forever sort of way. He's very special to me in ways that I can't exactly articulate. I know from the bottom of my heart some things are worth waiting for, even though I often wondered how long I was going to wait for this magic moment to happen. Though I've waited for a long time for this, it still feels so unbelievably surreal. The next week will go by so fast, yet not fast enough.

Fortunately, there are some things scheduled for the next week that will make the time (hopefully) go by just a little quicker:

Monday, though a holiday (yes, Columbus Day is a holiday to some), I still have to go to work. We're closed to our membership, but we have some in-house training/team-building to do. Whoopidy-freakin'-doo. Shouldn't be too painful; just a waste of the day, if you ask me. Monday night, Kat & I are getting pedi's. One final relaxation before the trip.

Tuesday, I'll be running around like a chicken with her head cut off at work, trying to get everything caught up & make sure my co-workers are cross trained well enough before leaving for the next week & a half. Jeff & I already have plans for dinner on Tuesday - some yummy grub at BB Magraw's.

Wednesday, we leave in the afternoon. I'm sure there will be some last minute packing, er shall I say panicking? We arrive in Kahalui around 8pm. By the time we get checked in, get some dinner, etc. it'll be pretty late & I bet we'll be tired.

Thursday, we are doing the morning bikeride down Mt. Haleakala. I'm really looking forward to this. We have nothing planned Thursday eve, but this is when the bulk of everyone flies in & so maybe we'll meet folks for drinks or something fun like that.

Friday we meet with the lady who gives us our marriage license. It'll become more official after meeting her. Friday night, everyone is meeting for a luau. I'm also really looking forward to this as I've never been to one before.

Saturday, Kat & I, along with Penny & possibly Erin are getting manicures. I figured it was better to get one the morning of the wedding vs any earlier. For some reason, I can't keep a mani to save my life & so getting it as close to the wedding date as possible was important to me. Okay, so this will be the one last pampering before walking down the beach to marry my groom.

Sunday is reserved for Jeff & Jenn. We have absolutely nothing planned for this day & at this point, I'd like to keep it that way. I just want to spend the day with my husband. Wow, that's kinda trippy to say. I love the way it sounds.

Monday, a bunch of us are going snorkeling out to Molokini. I'm not 100% excited about this for a few reasons. Primarily because I can't swim & I hate sticking my face under water. Who knows? I may get over the fear of water & find this to be the best thing ever!

Tuesday & Wednesday are also wide open. When I go on vacation, I like to have a general idea of what we're doing, but having some days with nothing planned is also nice.

Today, I am thankful for:
1. Waxing
2. Eyebrow tinting
3. Highlights
4. Manicures
5. Spa pedicures


joel said...

I've heard nothing but fantastic things about that bike ride. you get to see the sun rise and be above the clouds or fog or something like that. you'll no doubt have fun doing that.

you'll also LOVE a luau. there's a ton of great food, and it's always a very friendly atmosphere. plus, the alcohol usually comes in the form of a mai tai, and that ain't too shabby :)

Jen said...

we're actually not doing the sunrise bikeride. I wanted to (& will probably do it someday), just not on this trip as we arrive too late in the evening to wake up that early.

joel said...