Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I Fought the Law & the Law Won (Bobby Fuller)

I hate it when I'm trying to scam someone/something & they stop my scam mid-way through. I got a call a couple weeks ago saying I had entered some drawing & while I didn't win the "grand prize" - a bbq, I did win a free trip to one of 4 places - Orlando, Jamaica, Cancun or Las Vegas plus dinner at some restaurant. Sweet... Sorta. All I had to do was listen to some 90 minute spiel about this new "travel agency". Nothing to sign up for. Nothing to buy. Just to "think of" this travel agency next time I wanted to do some travel. Okay, I can do that. I've sat through a Trendwest presentation before & I suspected it was a timeshare-type deal I was going to have to listen to.

He'll deny it, but I swear Jeff said he would sit through this thing with me. We bailed on the presentation I had signed us up for because Jeff wasn't happy about having to do it & I would rather have spent time with my husband, not in a hostile mood. We went to dinner instead & had a great time.

A day or two later, the people called me & asked what had happened & would we be willing to reschedule. Sure, I'll reschedule & I'll go alone this time. Only, I won't tell them that I'm going alone because they're expecting Jeff to be there.

So, I show up without Jeff & the receptionist gal tells me we're going to have to reschedule for when the both of us could make it. I then tell her point blank that if that's the case, I'm not interested in what she has to sell me & I walk away. We'll see if they call back to "reschedule" once more. I suspect not, but if they do, someone will be getting an earful from me.

Is it wrong to scam? Sure. Do I feel bad about trying to scam this company? Of course. Am I angry they wasted my time? You better believe I am. She turned me away, claiming the need to reschedule, without knowing my situation. She was quick to pass the judgement & for that, I would not go back. Incidentally, I did sit through a TrendWest presentation several years ago, alone, because my significant other wasn't available at the last minute.

Today, I am thankful for:
1. The law
2. Law enforcers
3. Law abiders
4. Boston Legal
5. Leftovers

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