When I opened the shower curtain, this little guy (or girl) was laying there in the tub, belly up. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it's antannae was moving; the little bugger was alive. So, I had to get my camera & take as many pictures as I could. And, I had to get close enough to get a clear picture. But not too close. That's just gross. And, I had to see if I could get a picture of it on it's belly. I did, but not as good as this one on it's back. And then, I had to dispose of it because, well, I wasn't up for the company while I showered. He now resides somewhere in the sewer. Rest in peace, little one.
Then, I was getting dressed & I gained thought I could squeeze into a pair of jeans I had from my pre-fat days. Yeah, I shoulda tried them on the night before & I would have known that I haven't lost enough weight to wear them just yet. At least not without showing a little camel toe. So, I opted for another pair of jeans that were the same size, but much better fitting.
Next, it's breakfast time. I'm running late so I couldn't finish my entire bowl of Cheerios. I wolfed down what I could inside the house, but there's still a lot of milk & a few O's left so I thought I'd bring it with me & eat it in the car. Not a big deal as I've done it a multitude of times before. Well, I set it on the console & as I got into the car, I proceed to dip my elbow into the bowl. Damn it! Now I have milk all over me. Time to change clothes again!
Fortunately, I made it to the train station & find myself a rather decent parking spot. The rest of my day was rather uneventful.
Today, I am thankful for:
- Panini sammies
- Digital cameras
- Fat free sour cream
- Low fat mayonnaise
- Tastefully Simple
What irks me today:
Today, I am irritated with the price & selection of jackets at Macy's. Jeff & I still have a few gift cards leftover from our wedding (almost one year ago!) & I went to go buy a jacket for myself with no such luck. There were plenty of nice rain jackets, but I already have a one of those & I couldn't justify spending that much money on something I don't need. One of these days, I just might have to make a stop at (gasp!) Burlington Coat Factory. They should, for sure, have a jacket that would suit me.