Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Signs (Five Man Electrical Band)

Over the past two days, I've made two name frames. One for Jeff to place above his theater (or is that "theatre"?) room. I couldn't get a very clear picture on this because 1. it's hanging up above the door already; 2. there's a hallway light directly in front of it so there was some "lighting issues"; 3. it's behind glass creating other reflective/lighting issues. You all will just have to take notice of it as you enter the McCarthy Monoplex. Speaking of the McCarthy Monoplex... I FINALLY saw Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl. Yes, it's the first Pirates movie. Yes, it's been like 3 years since it's been out on video. Yes, I'm a little slow. Yes, I loved it & can't wait to watch the two sequels.

The second frame I made was for my Tastefully Simple consultant, Shayna. This is her family name & I'm told it will reside in her Hawaiian themed room, hence the "bolder" colors. At first I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with this designer paper. I also *thought* her name may have been too long because the other name frames I made had only 6 & 7 letters. Bridgman is 8. As it turned out, I made the letters a little bit smaller than my other frames, but bigger than I thought I needed & it totally turned out A-OK. I also at last minute, added some ribbon to give it a little more color or "life". I REALLY like the way it turned out. I hope she does too & will recommend my frames to other friends &/or family members.

Summer, in my mind is officially over as of September 1st. Sure, we'll have a few more warm days ahead of us, but for all intents and purposes, it's done. Labor Day weekend has come & gone. The kiddos have gone back to school. Last night there was a rain & lightning storm like there's no tomorrow.

Things to look forward to in the upcoming months: Veterans Day (our next 3 day wknd & the start of many holidays right after one another). Rain & lots of it accompanied by umbrellas broken in the wind. Dark mornings & lots of medium extra hot, non-fat beverages courtesy of Seattle's Best Coffee. A scaled back Christmas.

Today, I am thankful for:
1. My SMCU umbrella I received 4 years ago
2. Having enough time in the morning to eat breakfast AND pack a lunch
3. Birth control pills
4. Greek
5. Water

What irks me today:
Today, I am irked by people who are blindly unkind towards others. I'm especially talking about those who talk about others behind their back regarding things they may not have control over. There is a man who rides my train & he is not the most pleasant looking or smelling man. I'll admit that much. But, I've never actually spoken with him. I've seen him roaming around the Value Village area of Auburn & my guess is that's where he shops for clothing & household items because that's either all he can afford or all he chooses to afford. At any rate, I can't make judgments about him because I don't know his situation. But, it really makes me mad that there are others on the train who have made comments & gestures amongst themselves regarding the smelly man. Perhaps he can't help his situation & he's doing the best he can with what he's been given.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Nice work on the signs.