What's really funny about this pregnancy was that Kat & I had gone to the liquor store & I said to her, "I don't know if it's true or not because I haven't heard anything, but I think Airi's pregnant." She was going to do some investigations when we got back to find out. Was that wine that Airi was drinking? Nope. It was apple cider. Uh huh... Could it be...? Yes! Steve made the announcement & it's confirmed. Wow! & Yay!!
I also found out last week that two of my cousins are expecting babies & they're due around the same time Airi is. For my cousin Molly & her husband Greg, this is their first baby. This is wonderful for them because they had been trying for quite some time to get pregnant & now it's finally happening. For my other cousin Deborah & her husband Abe, well, this is #5. While having babies, I suppose, is fun and exciting and some people are just "good at it", I can't help but wonder at what point do you let the "social responsibilities" take over what the "lord" has in store for you.
I told Katt I would blog about the sideways poo tonight. So here it is. Poo is just funny because everyone does it & has experienced most (if not all) poo's. I looked up the poopy list to find the definition of the sideways poo & I think this is the closest I found:
The Caesarian Dump - Pain, that's what this dump and childbirth have in common. Its simply a case of too much dump trying to go through too small a hole, and there's no obstetrician to help.
In other "gross" news.... I learned last night that even though my cats were neutered, they still have penises. Yes, I probably should have realized this long, long ago, but I've never seen it & really, I don't watch them pee because they're in a "sheltered" litter box. And, even when our cat growing up had an "open" litter box, they just squat; you can't really tell where their urine is coming from. So, after we got home last night, I got an anatomy lesson. Thanks Jeff for pointing out the general area where the penis lives & thanks to Tubbs for letting us check out your underside.
Tonight, the girls went to the Melting Pot for dinner. This was in lieu of Girls Camping that most bailed on back in August. Good food & even better company. I'm for sure going to miss Kim when she leaves in less than a month to live across the Atlantic. I have to say, though, it was really nice to spend more time with Katt. We really don't spend a whole lot of time with her & she's a super cool person. I'm glad she's become a Groovy Franken Friend.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Melted cheese
2. Melted chocolate
3. Girlfriends
4. Pregnancies
5. 3 pronged forks
What irks me today:
Today, I am annoyed by people who bail out on plans that were made long ago. I feel that if you've made a commitment for whatever, then you should stick to it. If something "better" comes along, then you should say, "I'm sorry I can't go; I already have plans."
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