Last weekend, 106.9 started playing their non-stop (with the exception of the ocassional commercials) Christmas music. I was thrilled because it means that Christmas was indeed coming. It also scared the bejesus out of me because that means that Christmas was indeed coming.
I had thought about fighting the crowds the day after Thanksgiving like I had the year before, but this year two things happened: I had trouble falling asleep the night before & therefore didn't want to wake up ultra-early & I didn't have a game plan in place; I didn't know what I was going to buy that I hadn't bought online the night before.
I sent out my wish list to the families. Here's a hypocritical thought: I hate having to create my own wish list, but really really REALLY want other people to give me theirs. I have three thoughts on the concept - 1- if there's something I want, I usually go out and buy it myself. 2- if you really knew me, then you should know what to buy me. 3- how am I supposed to act surprised when opening a gift when I pretty much know I'm getting it? It's kinda like at my bridal shower where most gifts I opened I had on the registry. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful I received the gifts, but I guess I just wasn't "surprised" to receive them.
Thanksgiving was really good this year. Jeff & I spent the afternoon at his aunt & uncle's house in Maple Valley. I was thankful I wasn't stuck in the Southbound traffic along with everyone else & that we didn't have to travel 3 hours to get to our destination.
Since Jeff's Aunt Maureen claims Thanksgiving as her holiday & I never have, but want to, cook a turkey dinner, in the next few months, I'm going to invite a bunch of folks over for a (hopefully) yummy turkey dinner with all the fixings. Stay tuned for an evite from me inviting your hungry stomachs over for some tasty culinary goodness. MMMMMM!
Speaking of tasty culinary goodness... Last weekend, Kat, David, Katt, Jeff & I attempted to start up the monthly international cuisine again. Kat selected Caribbean food as the cuisine & Calypso Caribbean Restaurant as the establishment. Unfortunately, when we got to where Calypso should have been, there was nothing but a parking lot. So, in staying true to new international cuisine, we drove to the U-district & found an Ethiopian restaurant. None of us had tried Ethiopian food. It was, to say the least, different. They brought out this ultra-spicy food on a "bed" of what looked like a spongy pancake. And you eat the food by using the pancake as your utensil. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best service ever), I'd give the service at the restaurant a 1 & the food a 3.5. I actually enjoyed the food, though it was really spicy. David, I think, would probably give it a 1 or so; he didn't fare too well afterwards. So, I think I would try Ethiopian again, but not at that place. After the Ethiopian experience, we went to the Ram for drinkies. Good times with good friends.
Last saturday, I went to a "purse party" with Trina & Kat. I've never been to one before so I was pretty excited. Anyone who knows me knows I love home parties! So, basically at this purse party, the lady has all these knock-off purses laying around in the gal's living room & they're priced from like $50-80. Her deal was buy one & get the 2nd for $5 off. There was one I had my eye on, but it was like $78. I just can't spend that much on a handbag. So, I tell Trina & Kat about this hole in the wall store in Seattle where they sell the same things for half the price. And we went! I bought a cute Kate Spade handbag for $25 (they wanted $40, but I got 'em down to $25 - score one for me!!).
Kat has updated her blog with a cool background & has posted pictures. She told me she'd show me her magic ways. I can't wait!! I'm so virginal & naive when it comes to this computer stuff. The only thing I know how to do is add links in my text. I want to learn how to add pictures, change the text & background, links to my friend's blogs & website, etc. One day... you just wait!
We've decided to do a white elephant-type gift exchange Christmas Eve with the friends this year. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm giving. We're also doing our leave-a-big-tip-for-our-server at a restaurant (probably Denny's) in Federal Way this year. I'm really kind of sad that Joel & Mickey won't be joining us since Joel's the one who started this awesome tradition so many years ago. It almost doesn't feel "right" doing it without him, but just because they can't make it, I'm not going to forego it. There's always next year. Joel & Mick - you better be there :o)
So, really, I came to my computer to get some ideas for some Christmas cards that I may be doing for a Stamp-a-Stack in 2 weeks & I end up blogging for an hour. I ought to get going on the other things I need to do.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Socks
2. Split Coast Stampers
3. O Holy Night
4. Close relatives
5. MP3s
I have to ask...why are you thankful for socks?
My feet were cold & so I put some socks on. All better :o)
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