Somewhere between 5 & 8 weeks ago, I started putting together this 1000 piece puzzle. Yesterday, it was finally completed. Thanks to Erin, Penny, Katt & Jeff for your help on it. It took about a month & a half to put it together & about 5 minutes to take it apart. I've got two other puzzles, but those will have to wait. Jeff says I can't use the dining room table for the next puzzle (while the puzzle was out, the table was out of commission for use). Since I have a stamp camp in 3 weeks, I can't use my card table for my puzzle... So, I'll have to wait on starting the next puzzle when the stamp camp is over.
I bought a book on Friday on tent camping in Washington. It looked pretty good (when I bought it), but now I am considering returning it. There's a map in the front with a bunch of "tent sites" marked with numbers. Throughout the book, there's several campsite details, but I don't see where the detailed pages match the map locations in the front.
With summer quickly approaching, I'm looking forward to camping with my groovy franken friends & floating down the Yakima a few times each, at least.
I'm also looking forward to going to a few more M's games. My next game is Friday - it's the collectable train car giveaway night (I have all the collectable train cars so far). Anyone interested in getting a group together & eating some overpriced garlic fries & hotdogs this summer? Mmmmmm....
Finally, this comes from Kim's brother's blog:
Please take a moment to remember those who gave their lives and why they fought. Regardless if you think this war is worth their lives, the point is that they thought it was worth it. Thank God that my day is in November, the day for those who served and did come back. Monday is their day because they didn't come back.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Camping
2. Rafting
3. Cooking
4. Walking
5. Shopping
You won't want to miss this!
15 years ago
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