A few days ago, I was reading someone's blog & they had a "freak out" moment where they thought their hard drive had crashed & along with it, all their digital pictures. That got me to thinking, what if MY hard drive crashes. I will have NOTHING. All my digital memories are on my computer & nowhere else.
Not quite a year ago, a co-worker recommended Shutterfly. It's quite similar to Flickr, but free in all aspects. I could keep my digital pics there. I could share certain pics. I had my wedding photos on there & just gave out the password/username to my friends & family who wanted to see all the albums. I was fine with this because it didn't cost me anything & I had nothing but wedding pics on there. Well, then I started uploading all my other pictures (for back up) & then thought I would like to share some of the pictures, but maybe not all of them & I don't want to give out my password in this situation. Come to find out, I can only share 250 pictures. This simply won't do.
Next stop, Flickr. I went back to Flickr to find out exactly what I get for free. Well, 3 sets & 100 MB of photo upload space per month. I started uploading & come to find out, this really isn't much. So, I caved. I paid the $24.95 for the one year subscription & you'll find the link to my Flickr Account to the left. The sets really aren't in any kind of order, but I was able to get most of my 2006 & 2007 galleries posted, a few comments made & the photos within the sets are organized to the best of my ability.
If you would like me to add your Flickr, Picasa, Shutterfly or any other photo gallery, just send me the link & I'll be happy to add it to my blog.
Today, I am thankful for:
- Digital photography
- Blog links
- My computer not crashing
- Portable cameras
- Flikr
What irks me today:
Today, I am frustrated with all the dirty laundry that has been piling up in my bedroom closet for the past week or so. It's kinda "my job" to do the laundry & surprisingly, I do enjoy doing the laundry. Most of the time. I just have very little motivation to START doing the laundry. I think this is because our dryer takes 2 hours to dry each load & I get so discouraged, thinking, "the laundry is going to take too long so why bother?" You don't need to tell me that makes no sense; I know it doesn't.
good choice with Flickr!
Thanks, Joel! I put it off as long as I could, but it seems that everyone else was doing it & so I might as well follow the crowd!
Have you had any troubles with 'em?
so far no troubles at all. I too tried Shutterfly, though, what I _really_ didn't like was that I was unable to get back any images that I uploaded to them. That's no good.
I really love the Picasa web albums, though, Google charges for extra space. A big no-no in my book, especially from a company that seems to have infinite drive space!
Flickr is cool because it exposes it's API's to people who want to use Flickr in different ways.
One of sites that implement Flickr API's is called fd's Flickr Toys. It's here:
LOTS of things you can do with your photographs.
OH! almost forgot. Since you are a paying member of Flickr, you now have access to a neat Flickr feature that allows you to post to your Blog FROM Flickr!
I don't remember exactly where it's configured, but as a paying member you get an email address. If you email a photo to that address, it adds it to your Flickr stream. You can also configure an address to then post that photo to your blog.
I did that with Funkystew while in Spain.
I think if you look at the toolbar above a photo in your Flickr stream, you'll see "Blog this". You can post a photo with some text to your blog right from Flickr.
It's cool. :)
Hope that all helps ya out!
Wow! That's a lot of information, Joel. I'll have to check out the blog feature as I'm trying to blog more & more (unlike some people I know - Trina, Katt for example). That seems like it might be nifty.
What's this bighugelabs.com? Is that what you used to make the slideshow (was it?) of Sydney in one of her galleries?
P.S. Forgot to ask... do you want me to add your flickr (or other site) to my blog?
sure, go for it. add it up :)
no, the slideshow was made using animoto.com - a site that makes rather cool slideshows.
you can make free 30 second clips, and you can actually point animoto to a Flickr set to use! or at least last I heard, they were working on that.
something else photo related you might like is a mosaic maker - it's free from http://www.andreaplanet.com/andreamosaic/ and pretty neat.
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