Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Something So Strong (Crowded House)

A little of this:



Plus a little of this:

Equals this:

Which inevitably leads to this, at 8:21pm:

So, Jeff called out "sick" again today. I wonder if my sick time was given as it's own separate bank of hours (as opposed to being lumped with our vacation hours), if I would call out as much as Jeff does. I really do like that ours is lumped together as Personal Leave. If I'm sick, I call out. If I wanna take some vacation, I take the day off. If I need some cash, I can cash out my hours. I like having that flexibility to do with it as I want. Our only requirement is that we must take 5 consecutive days off work each year. I *think* I can handle that (& still have plenty of hours to cash out or take random days off here & there).

Today, I am thankful for:

1. Saving up my PL for use as I see fit
2. Halloween potlucks
3. http://www.allrecipes.com/
4. I'm almost caught up to "real time" Grey's Anatomy (1 episode to go)
5. Not waking Jeff up when I took that picture of him.

What irks me today:
Each year, my company provides the opportunity for our staff to contribute to the United Way through either payroll deduction, monthly billing, or one time donation. I think giving is great in general, but giving particularly to the United Way is wonderful. I like to give for several reasons - you can confidentially give as much or as little as you can afford; you never know when you might be in a situation to where you might need some help; karma's a bitch. I started giving to the United Way when I first started at my company nearly 7 years ago & I only gave a dollar per paycheck & have increased it each year by a buck. It's kinda like your 401k. You learn to live without that contribution & by increasing the amount you contribute by just a small amount or percentage, you hardly notice it's gone from your bi-weekly paycheck. Anyways, I'm frustrated at people who can't even find $1 to donate every two weeks to a worthy cause. It screams selfishness to me, especially when I see these people buying their Starbucks or Seattle's Best or Tully's every other day.


Jeff said...

Oh, hey now...

It's not as if I call out sick typically to get bombed. Just so happens that occurred this evening. :) And now here I am wide awake at 11:48pm... w00t.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahah! That photo just totally made my day. Thanks, Jenn!