So today, I pretty much wanted to die. Okay, not really, but severing my leg at the groin would have been A-OK with me. Man, this whole infected sweat gland thing isn't fun. Lucky me, eh?
So, when I went to the doctor on Saturday, she said it was looking good & healing nicely. Yay me. She left the wick in & said to pull it out about 1/4" each day & come back on Wednesday. Uh... What?
Sunday afternoon, I went to take a shower & gave my wick a tug to no avail. It hurt like a mutha. At that instant, I swear I was about to pass out. I started shaking & sweating, nausea nearly took over me & I was out of breath. If Jeff had seen me, he probably would have dialed 911. But, I'm strong (sometimes); I knew this would pass & it did... several minutes later. I covered up the wick w/a waterproof bandaid & got in the shower. Near the end, I started feeling a bit woozy once more & quickly got out so as not to fall down in the tub. As Ryan would put it, "that's bad." I spent the rest of the day on the sofa.
This morning (monday), I went to give my wick a tug again & it wouldn't budge, but it did hurt an awful lot (& once again, the sweating & shaking ensued). So, I left it alone & carried on about my business & went to work. I called the doctor & told them that this wick pulling wasn't working for me & made an appointment for later on this same day. The doc looked at my leg, said it was healing nicely as well. Then she took out the wick &
Oh My Goodness!! At that point, I wanted to die. She said she could leave it be & use a local anesthetic on it (like they used when they cut it open 5 days earlier) & try pulling it out once it was numb. I told her it wasn't necessary because her pulling the wick out felt just like the needle giving the anesthetic did (a local pinpoint "prick" feeling) & that it would be over soon, so please hurry :o)
She was going to just leave it open & let it close, but then at the last minute, she changed her mind & put another wick in.
NOOOOO!! But, she said to go ahead & pull it out on Wednesday. Basically, what had happened with the first wick was my lovely goo (pus) had kinda grown on/around the wick & it was blocking it from coming out with ease. Again, lucky me. But, with this new wick, it will only have been in my leg for less than 2 days (surely not enough time for the goo to attach itself to my wick... or is it??).
So, what's on the agenda for now? Moist heat compresses on my leg. Continue with the antibiotic regimen. I have the option of going back in on Wednesday, but I'm guessing that won't be necessary. Well, we'll see. Seeing how my luck has been, I'll be back, I'm sure.
Today, I am thankful for:
1. Mid-day busses going home
2. Lamb in Love
3. Drive thru dining
4. Food Network
5. Independence