Thursday, September 14, 2006

I took myself to the fair in town (Martina McBride)

Today, Jeff & I went to the Puyallup Fair. It was awesome. Then, we sat down to eat our buffalo burgers & it starts sprinkling a little. Not too much, but enough to be a little annoying. So, we head back in & pick up our knife set that we bought earlier & head out to the car to grab our jackets. And, it stops raining. Figures. But, once the Train concert started up, it started raining. And raining. And raining some more. And then it really starts to rain harder. And, we were soaked along with everyone else. It was awesome. But we didn't leave early. And most others didn't leave early either.

Jess was right; Train puts on a really good show. I don't know all their songs (just what is played on the radio), but I really enjoyed the concert. They played a good mix of the "radio" songs & the "other" ones too. If/when they come back to the Seattle area, I will be buying a ticket to that show.

Prior to the fair, I had to go up to Lady Margaret's Boutique to get fitted for my dress. Who knew that losing weight would mean I would get to swim in my dress. The seamstress is shortening the straps & taking it in quite a bit on top. She also suggested getting something to hide my "gut" a little better, but I don't think I will. The dress is made of such a sheer material, that I don't want to risk being able to see any lines, creases, or seams from such an undergarment. Besides, I've got a month... maybe I can just do a butt-ton of crunches & other abdominal exercises to minimize my gut. That, or I'll just continuously suck it in.

I have to give a BIG thank you to Trina who brought me her shoes she wore on her wedding day even though I was positive my land yachts wouldn't fit in them, but they do. And, even more incredible, they match the dress color perfectly. Yay!! Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Now, on to jewelry...

Today, I am thankful for:
1. Train
2. Train
3. Train
4. Train
5. Train

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